Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? "So What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1. 20 Billion Robots. It's Not Even Clear What MONEY Means At That Point."
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? "We Are Talking About 20-30 Billion Humanoid Robots. It's Not Even Clear What MONEY Means At That Point." - Elon Musk (1/8/2025)
Mel Gibson | Mel Gibson Is About to Release a Four-Part Massive Documentary Series On the World-Wide Child Sex-Trafficking Ring Mel Gibson to EXPOSE Them All! | Child Sex-Trafficking Industry Is a $34 Billion Industry