DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 AM | THE FIRST SPEAKER STARTS AT 7 AM | Unless You Hate Yourself, Take An UBER!!! March 6-7 Join Robert Kiyosaki & Eric Trump At Clay Clark's 2-Day Interactive Business Workshop In Tulsa, OK
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | “We Have Grown 15X! We Now Have a 90% Conversion Rate. It’s Made Our Business Turn-Key...Used to Take 12 Hours Per Day to Run Back-End of the Business, Now Takes 45 Minutes Per Day.”
The Great Reset | Why Did Franklin D. Kramer State, "The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body?"
Elon Musk | "Yesterday, You (Elon Musk) Posted a New Policy That Was Titled Freedom of Speech, Not Freedom of Reach." - Linda Yaccarino (CEO of X) "Freedom of Speech, Not Reach Is Important." - Elon Musk (April 18th 2023)
Yuval Noah Harari | The Final Step | Why Did Yuval Say, "The Final Step Is to Connect Amazon to Biometric Sensors & Then Amazon Will Know The Exact Emotional Impact of Every Sentence You Read In the Book?"