TRUTH OR DECEPTION AND HOPEUM? “At What Point Are The White Hats The Black Hats?” — PROJECT CAMELOT 🐆 [WE in 5D: “Work on Your F✰cking Ascension and Let it Be!” More Said in Description Below ⬇️]
World Economic Forum 2024 | "It's Laughable That You Or Anyone Would Describe DAVOS As Protecting Democracy...President Trump Is Going to Take On the Power of the Elites." - President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts
#334 ACTION: RFK JR For HSS Sec! Trump & The People Want Him ...DEMAND ALL Senators Vote YES – TAG, CALL & EMAIL THEM…DEMAND Your Donations BACK Until He's Approved! Make America Healthy Again – MAHA, It’s Time To Put Your Health FIRS
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Not An Extremely Deadly Virus. It's Not the Black Death & Look What It's Doing to the World. Think of the Implications of a bigger Problem Like Climate Change. You Can LOCK DOWN Entire Countries."
Elon Musk | "This Is Sounding Increasingly Like a Black Mirror Episode, You Could Basically Store Your Memories As a Backup and Restore the Memories Into a New Body" - Elon Musk