TOXIC ABUSIVE BLACK MOTHERS IN WEST AFRICA: THE ASHANTI TRIBE(GHANA), & IGBO TRIBE (NIGERIA)…ISRAELITES SCATTERED GOING THROUGH THE SAME HOUSEHOLD TRAUMAS…THE CURSES!!🕎Deuteronomy 28:56 her eye shall be evil toward the husband & children
HEALING TOXIC BLACK MOTHER-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIPS, THE BLACK MOTHER WOUND: YES YOU DO HAVE TO FORGIVE BUT MOVE WITH INTENTIONALITY & ALLOW TIME TO HEAL YOUR WOMBS.🕎Deuteronomy 28:56 “her eye shall be evil toward the husband & children”
BLACK MOTHER-DAUGHTER & SON FRIEND OR FOE: WE HAVE A VERY PROFOUND DEEP ROOTED ISSUES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY & WE ACT AS IF THEY DONT EXIST.🕎Matthew 27;21-26 “Then answered all the Israelites & said, His blood be on us”
LACK OF PARENTAL CARE: BLACK WOMEN EVE STRUGGLING WITH DEPRESSION & SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. SEVERELY INSECURE HAVING LOW SELF WORTH, FEELING UNPROTECTED, INSIGNIFICANT & MUTE BECAUSE OUR MOTHERS BEHAVIORS ARE ALWAYS DEFENDED. 🕎 Ephesians 6:4 KJV
BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MOTHERS EVE MANY ARE ANTAGONISTS, YOU PROVOKE THINGS & WHEN YOU START TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT YOU FLIP & TWIST IT…THE CURSES!!🕎 Ephesians 6:4 “ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up