Pharmakia (Medical Sorcery) Destroyed, China launches ICBM into Pacific For First Time Since 1980, Donald Trump & Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, Jeremiah 36 & Parallels To The USA, Get Ready! T-Minus 7 Days Till The Feast of Trumpets 24
Dollar Collapse | Is America About Ready Get Hit with Gold BRICS? "The Bank of International Settlements In April of 2019 Quietly Classified Gold As the World's ONLY Other Tier 1 Reserve Asset." - Andy Schectman
American veteran DENIED Medicaid while long lines of Haitian immigrants get in line to receive FREE Child Care, Cash, SNAP, Medicaid, etc... paid by the American Taxpayer!
GOP Congresswoman Not Seen For 6 Months Finally Found Living at Dementia Care Home/Postal Service worker accused of swiping cash, coins and $281,000 worth of checks from the mail/Biden administration spent millions creating transgender animals to experime