5 years ago천사와 악마, 댄 브라운, 로버트 랭던, 일루미나티, 바티칸, 유럽입자연구소, 사탄숭배, 프리메이슨, 가톨릭교회, 과학과 신학, 진화론, 빅뱅이론, 다빈치코드, 소설읽기cosmosrich1
2 years agoThe dog won't hate you because you shut it out of the room for ten minutes or two hourscaoyanip
2 years agoRelease Negative Energy | Release Blocked Creativity | Deep Focus | Earth EnergyUNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS
1 year agoMorphic Resonance ⚓ Dirty Blues and Rock ⚓ To all the ships that see ⚓ MEM ZADIK RESHMissouri on Neodymium