Torture That Was Used + The Body Decays Quickly After Death, People Were Eaten Alive + Tapping People's Blood, Too Weak to Escape+ Gloria Vanderbilt Used Organs Taken From Victims for Divination
Gloria Vanderbilt's Hidden Room, Mummification and Taxidermy, Doll House with Dolls Made from Dead Infants + "Dream Boxes" + A Spiritual Force Was Present
Elon Musk at the Met Gala, No Keeping of Posture (Deliberately), Maye Musk + Is Hillary Clinton Dead? + 44 (Does that Number Refer to Obama and/or the New World Order?), When Does a Bird Sing?
Update on Jessie's Health, Support for Veterans, Champions + Jessie's Courses (New One Available Now, see and Books, Websites + Dutch Whistleblower Huig Plug
Jessie is Moved in the Spirit by Lucien Greaves (Her Training Partner) Speaking + Christian Politician Being Very Abusive, How Can Anyone That to Bring People to Christ? Is That the Goal or Isn't it?
Stones, Crystals, Laurie Cabot Kent, Grand High Priestesses, Vibration and Song + Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light, The Price to Pay for Magick + Miracle
Somerset Belenoff + The Bilderberg Group includes Members of the Satanic Council + Bilderberg Members List, Rotation and a 4-Year Cycle, Regent Lords and Circles