Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
De-Dollarization | BRICS PAY HAS BEEN LAUNCHED!!! China & Brazil Have Complete First Bilateral Trade Using Local Currency | "De-Dollarization Trend Will Continue." - John Pang (RT News) + "What's Going to Happen?" - Robert Kiy
ENOCH | How Did ENOCH Walk With GOD? | From Genesis to Revelation | How Does God Say It Began & Will End? READ: Hebrews Chapter 11 + Is Death the Vehicle That Transports You Into the Arms of the Lord? READ: Philipians 1:21
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic 2.0 Around the Corner In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patients + Gilgamesh?
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic / Pandemic 2.0 Around Corner Just In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & Similar Outbreaks In China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First Gene Therapies to Treat
Failing NeoCon Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Says Uniparty's Plan Out Loud Regarding Social Media | Conservatives are Being Fooled by Elitist Icons Like Elon Musk | America is Close to Collapse from Multiple Attacks | Clay Clark, Dr. Mark Sherwo
Alina Habba | "It's Loud & Clear. They've Got Nothing, But Their Politics. She's Got Nothing, But Her Soros Backing. Pay Attention America." + Join Alina Habba, Eric Trump, General Flynn & Team America At the Tulare, CA!
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Is It About to Go Down!?! I've Got a Bad Feeling About This?! Is World War III Upon Us? Is the Collapse of the Dollar Imminent? + Bo Polny + Why Are the BRICS Nations Introducing a Gold-Backed Central Bank Digital Currency?
Iran and Hezbollah | Tucker Carlson Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor "We Are Not In Strong Position, We Are Probably At Our Weakest Point In Recent History...We Have No Real Army Anymore." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor (October 24th 2023)
Jews Returning Home to Israel | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Significant Increase In Jews to Israel? (Jeremiah 16: 15-16, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 11:11, Hosea 3:4-5, Amos 9:15 & Ezekiel 11:17)
Robert Kiyosaki | "I Learned At the Academy In Kings Point New York, Acta Non Verba. Watch What A Person Does, Not What They Say." - Robert Kiyosaki + "China's Gold Holdings Are 10X What They Say They Are." - Dominic Frisby
ReAwaken America Tour | General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mel K, the Flyover Conservatives, Julie Green, Amanda Grace, Devin Nunes, Pastor Benjamin, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Jim Breuer & Team America Head to Tulare, CA (Dec 15th & 16th)!!!
42 | Why Did Elon Musk Say, “I Read Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Which Is a Book On Philosophy In the Form of Humor...The Answer Is 42, Basically Earth Is a Giant Computer & It Came Up w/ the Answer 42.” + Rev 11:1-2 & 13:
Digital Equity | Why Did FCC Commissioner Blast Biden's DIGITAL EQUITY Plan As UNLAWFUL POWER GRAB? What Does "Digital Equity" Mean? + READ -
San Francisco | Why Did the Communist President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping Motorcade Through San Francisco, CA w/ No American Flags In Sight? Why Did California Governor Newsom Clean Up San Francisco? Wake Up! The Shift Is Happening
Transhumanism | The Transhumanism & Agenda 2030 Vision Explained (Part 2) | Black Mirror, Brave New World & Upload with Investigative Journalist Amber May | Is There A Connection Between the Agendas of Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari?