Halloween and the History, Some Organized Halloween Events + Satan Himself Attends Certain Rituals + Magazine Covers, Communications About Rituals, Locations, Quadrants, Who Has to Attend etc.
Luciferian Infiltration of the Catholic Church, Historic Warnings + Vatican 2, Corruption at the Top, Satanic Symbolism + Holy See, Group of People Hidden in the Background, Connected to the Elite Hierarchy, Shadow Church
Jessie's Anger at John Brennan + Tests, Training Partner Was God's Grace to Jessie. He Took Life so Jessie Didn't Have To + Adrenochrome Comedown, Sickness, Fight To Survive Under Those Circumstances
End-Time Ritual, Prophecies for the Anti-Christ, Books Made from Human Skin and Linked to Blood of the Mothers of Darkness + Ritual Prep Left Unfinished Due to Supernatural Intervention + A Horrible Vision + Actual Ritual on April 24, 2020 Also Incomplete
Fear of Death, Especially Painful Death + Tinctures for Jessie's Proctor and Praying for a "Good Day" i.e. a Day When She Wasn't Psychotic + Hypervigilance as a Side Effect
Spiritual Sword, Warrior of God Chosen to Fight the System + Training Partner Retrieved His Own Item, Represented Illusions in Magick, Mothers Of Darkness Panicked, Satan Was Not Amused + First Miracle, Unseen
Ask Questions and People Will Let You Know What They Need + Traumatised People Need Specialist Help, We Need Well-Trained and Reliable People in the Mental Health Field
Some Therapists are Reprogramming People + Satanists Can Still Do Good Research and Have Good Information + Communities Need to Help Each Other Rather than Rely on the Government