Joe Rogan & Ice Cube Discuss Central Bank Digital Currencies | The Great Financial Reset | The Connection Between Central Bank Digital Currencies, Surveillance Under the Skin, BRICS & Universal Basic Income
Dedollarization | "You Blow Up the System, But Point to Villain. Then You Issue Your New Central Bank Digital Currency. Every Single Country Has Been Told By the Bank of International Settlements That You Must Have an Operational CBDC by 2025."
CBDCs | Australian Senator Alex Antic | "Australian Cities Are Becoming Digital Surveillance Precincts with So Called Smart Cities Being Rolled with Invasive Technology Such As Facial Recognition Cameras, SMART Lights, SMART Poles, SMART Cars
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The History of Beginning And Ending of the U.S. Petrodollar (Petrodollar R.I.P. - 1971 - 2023?) | FedNow & the Birth of Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Catherine Austin Fitts Explains How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work.
Israel | Why Is Iran Now Boasting That They Have the Hypersonic Missiles to Destroy Israel In 400 Seconds (6.66 Minutes)? | Why Are the Under-the-Skin Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Being Pushed Right Now?