Generational Curses, Fairly Easy Problem to Solve: Pray, Confess Sins (Personally and/or Generationally) and Ask to be Cleansed + Baphomet Hand Sign, As Above So Below
Pray for the Salvation of those Bound in the Deepest Darkness, including Those Who Were Born into the Luciferian Brotherhood. Nobody Wants to Go to Hell. We Shouldn't Wish That on Anyone
The Weaponization of Frequency, Jab/Experimental 'Vaccine' Has an Operating System, Glycerine Oxide + Kris Jenner, 66 Sacrifices for her 66th Birthday, (High Level in the System) + The Death of Jessie's Son Josiah
Celine Dion's Clothing Line, Sexualization of Children, A for Adrenochrome, New Order, Horns on a Baby + Could be Advertising Children for Trafficking, Sex Magick + Art, Soul Ties
Josef Mengele, Nazi Experiments, Soul Torture + Divorce in the Heavenlies, Court Rooms, Blood, Sins Going all the Way Back to Jezebel, The Wrath of God
The Colour Red, Flat Oblong Surface, Ritual Ground, Altar, Invoking Spirits + Grand High Priest Battle, Women Sponsor, The Significance of the Word "Unholy"
Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area