1 year ago[Owen Benjamin Comedy] Owen Benjamin interviews DITRH #FlatEarth [Apr 26, 2019]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Esoteric Atlanta] Is it written in the stars? Where do we really live? With David Weiss!DITRH Interviews
8 months ago[Aquarius Rising Africa] Connecting with Dave Weiss (001) The Flat Earth Theory [Nov 1, 2021]DITRH Interviews
7 months ago[Mark Pires Renaissance Man] Is The World A Globe or Is It Flat? Flat Earth Dave Interview!DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[The Fluffy Hobo Show] Is the Earth flat? Can he Prove it? Welcome Flat Earth Dave [May 10, 2022]DITRH Interviews
3 days ago[DITRH SHORTS] We see too far! - ‘Is the Earth Flat?’ Pat Gray Unleashed [Jun 30, 2023]DITRH Interviews
7 days ago[DITRH] Origins Untold - Official Teaser Trailer - Flat Earth [Jun 26, 2023]DITRH Interviews
3 days ago[Sep 9, 2014] NSA Whistleblower Supports 9/11 Truth - William Binney and Richard Gage on GRTV [corbettreport]DITRH - Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole
5 days ago[Mar 15, 2012] 05 - Legally Challenged [CollinAlexander]DITRH - Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole
7 months ago[DITRH] Simply Don w David Weiss 911 to Flat Earth and everything else. [Aug 21, 2016]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Homespun Yak] Flat Earth Theory Explained w/David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' [Mar 23, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[TruthSeekah] The World Is Flat. Exploring Flat Earth With David Weiss [Apr 15, 2021]DITRH Interviews
11 months ago[Adrian] Ep.237 | David Weiss - NASA, mind control; Earth is flat?; Resets every 100 yearsDITRH Interviews
9 months ago[Crypt Rick's Ive Been Thinking] David Weiss Is The Earth Flat or Round [Oct 10, 2021]DITRH Interviews