3 months agoMedia Bias | Independent News Vilified | Who will win the US Election? | Where is Roman?MorningShot
5 months agoAMAZING EXCLUSIVE SCOOP----Roman has VIEWS! The HORROR! | Media Bias | Afriforum defends itself.MorningShot
5 months agoMalema Bill Revived? | END of the GNU thanks to the BELA Bill? | Cabanac fired? | Will John survive?MorningShot
6 months agoANC at WAR with itself | The Commies are UNHAPPY | X Banned | FaceBook lied | The Media is so TIRINGMorningShot
4 months agoJohn upset at Ramaphosa's Bromance with Putin | GNU infighting | The 30% Matric Pass Mark RemainsMorningShot
5 months agoYou don't like NHI? It's because you're RACIST! | Ramaphoria 2.0 boosts the EconomyMorningShot
5 months agoJan Braai Racism Allegations | Media Lied | Economic Growth | NHI dead in the Water? Its too costly!MorningShot
5 months agoPoliticians BETRAY the People | ActionSA's POWER Play | Economy Rebounds | NHI alternative proposed!MorningShot
5 months agoIs the Prodigal Son Returning Home? | Whites Threatened | Legacy Media Declining | Herman's MeltdownMorningShot
4 months agoEFF Decline Continues. Another FIGHTER Departs | The Powership Deal is Dead as Eskom StabilizesMorningShot