Different Levels of Magick, Chaos Magick and Sigils + The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, (Quantum) Entanglement i.e. Knowledge with an Experiential Component, Sex Magick
Conference for Trafficked Women, Survivors of Human Trafficking + Demonic Spirits, Three Ways They Can Attach Themselves to Us and How We Can Rebuke Them
Kanye (End-Time) Ritual, Dark Side of the System Fallen? Sunshine=Jessie's Ritual Name + Marilyn Manson, Kim Kardashian, Immolation + The Phoenix Position, The Great Apostasy, False Christs vs Anti-Christ, The Light Side Will Raise Up the Anti-Christ
Jessie's Now Being Listened to, Unlike in her Childhood + God's Protection, Our Only Real Protections are the Bible, Praying, Pleading the Blood of Jesus, His Powerful Name + Singing
Spiritual Gates, Demonic Generals, Sisters of Light, The 4 'P's: Phoenix, Pindar, Prophet and Priest + Barrack Obama Heads the Satanic Council (The Phoenix Position), He Took Over From George Soros + Oprah Winfrey
Copyright Strike on Previous Video (on Youtube in 2021) + Trolls Really Upping their Game, Probably Being Paid (or Should Be), The Authorities Know Who They Are + Helping Veterans
The Winslows and The Sullivans, High Level Masons Brought in to Build Chicago, Specific Designs, DUMBs, Trafficking + Technology to Track People From Their Fingerprints in Real Time, There is No Hiding From Spirits
Creatures in the Euphrates, Demonic General Azazel + Anointing, Plead the Blood of Jesus, Confess Sins, Ask for Forgiveness and to Be Cleansed of All Unrighteousness
Children Being Rescued from Underground, Protectors Were Questioned About it, The Loyalty of the Most Trusted People Within the System (By Necessity) Was Called into Question
Cannibalism and Cannibal Restaurants, "Green Consumption", Somerset Belenoff's Daughter, Are the Bodies Really Dead and if so for How Long? + Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking Events
Recap of the End-Time Ritual Prep + Eyes On Jessie and Her Training Partner (Lucien Greaves) for 72 Hours, Ritual Intended for April 24, 2020 + The Lord Told Jessie To Take Her Position and Put It All Under Jesus' Feet