Peter Doocy: "You got Chicago ... they already have plenty of very strict gun laws, some of the strictest in the country ... so which law would've prevented any of that?"
The Great Reset | Internet of Bodies | "If Our Brains Are Connected and You Record What Are You Thinking, What You Are Seeing, Measuring Your Feelings..This Data Is Going to Be Stored Somewhere." - Ronaldo Lemos - World Economic Forum Member &am
Aliens | "I Occasionally Think How Quickly Our Differences Worldwide Would Vanish If We Were Facing An Alien Threat from Outside This World." - President Reagan + "Only a Catastrophe Can Open a Path to Real System of Global Governance."
The Internet of Bodies & The Great Reset Agenda Explained, “If Our Brains Are Connected and You Record What Are You Thinking, What You Are Seeing, Measuring Your Feelings..This Data Is Going to Be Stored Somewhere.”
Mark of the Beast | "Would You Let Someone Implant a Microchip Into Your Hand If You Would Receive $2,000 Per Month? Think This Is a Conspiracy Theory? Here's the Tokenization Process In the Words of the BIS." - Clayton Morris (7/25/23)