Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Celebrated by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, New York Times, TEDTalks, etc? "Harari Has Been Called a Superstar, a Rockstar Philosopher and the Most Influential of Our Age?"
CBDC | "The CBDC Digital Dollar Will Be the End of the Banking System As We Know It. The Hamilton System Controlled by The FED Verifies All Transactions. There Would Be No Privacy and the Fed Is Your Banker."
CBDC | "The CBDC Digital Dollar Will Be the End of the Banking System As We Know It. The Hamilton System Controlled by The FED Verifies All Transactions. There Would Be No Privacy and the Fed Is Your Banker."
Yuval Noah Harari | CHANGING the LAWS | "When You Realize That the Laws Governing Our Society They Are Not Eternal and They Are Just the Imagination of People, This Destabilizes Society...Punishing for Making Bad Decisions That Should Be Out."
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Only Thing God Managed to Create Was Organic Beings, Trees, Giraffes and Humans. If We Succeed Then Very Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."
The Remnant Church | 12.01.22 | They're Not Attacking America, They're Attacking CHRIST!!! Ezekial 37:3 "3 And He Said Unto Me, Son of Man, Can These Bones Live? And I Answered, O Lord God, Thou Knowest." + The Connection Between CERN,
The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In Under 5 Minutes | Klaus Schwab, "The People Assume That We Are Going Back to the Good Old World, This Is Fiction. It Will Not Happen."