Truth Social Takes 3.78 Billion Dollar Lawsuit Against The Washington Post—Perhaps the Source [or Partially Source] of Accidental Bans/Takedowns of Truth Social Accounts!(?) We Shall See How This Goes…
Metropolis — 1927 Groundbreaking Silent Film: A Sci-Fi Masterpiece by Fritz Lang Which Inspired and Influenced Visuals in Film From Then Forever on (Predictive, Filled w/ Esoteric Imagery) | Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel.
Happy Ishtar! 🐣🐇🌿 Ishtar (Easter)/Inanna/Nanna: Annunaki “Goddess” of [Sex 🐇], [Fertility 🐣], and [WAR/POWER 💪🏽]. — These are Not Figures to Hate NOR Worship. They’re JUST Archetypes. You May Even See Bits of Yourself in Them.
Putin and Xi on Hot Mic—Evidence of BOTH Working with the White Hats? Possibly so! Normie Conservatives and Some Libs are Terrified. And if This Video DOES Represent the Worst—Sovereign Transcending Souls be not Afraid! #StarseedPrivilege
RFK Jr. Speaks on the World Economic Forum and Climate Change (During Kim Iverson Interview) + the Mainstream Work Fast to Deny, Reject, and Create a Mass Public Perception of Him!
20 Facts That Every U.S. Citizen (SLAVE) Should Know [AND WE HOPE YOU ARE DEEPLY OFFENDED BY THIS TITLING] — Shocking Declaration, Particularly for the Likes of Aaron Abke, Who is Partnered with J-Griff for This Special Video!
Former FBI Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, Reveals Details of Ritualistic Child Abuse of The Illuminati within Our U.S. Government of Household Names! (Full Workshop)