COVID-19 Tests | PCR Tests | Karry Mullis the Inventor of the PCR Tests Explains How PCR Tests Can Be Misused and Why You Should Not Trust the Established Scientific Community
Dr. Fauci | Who Is the REAL Anthony Fauci? | How PCR / Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests Were Used to Inflate the Number of COVID-19 Cases and to Push the Use of Toxic AZT Drug to Treat Aids Patients
The Great Reset | "What Is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? China, That's What's Coming. It's Beyond the Imagination of MOST People. No Action, No Traveling, Unless the QR Code Is Saying That They Can Do It." - David Icke
Antichrist | Did the Commonwealth Games 2022 Reveal the Antichrist? The Connection Between Moloch Worship, Prince Charles, Yuval Noah Harari, mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, Hyper-Inflation and the New World Order
Marxism | Is Marxism Everywhere? How Has Marxism Infiltrated and Influenced Our Society? "Even Somebody Like Stalin, Mao or Hitler Couldn't Figure Out What Is Happening Now. Now We Are Opening Up This Black Box."
The Great Reset | "It's Important to Distinguish Between the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated, Giving the Vaccinated the Most Amount of Freedoms." - Tony Blair (The Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
FTX | The FTX Overnight Success Story & FTX's Connection to The Democrat Party Funding, Mind the Gap, Guarding Against Pandemics & the World Economic Forum