Results After 16 Minutes Have Elapsed at 185 Degrees Fahrenheit with the Flap Closed; Again Touching the Immersion Water Heater While Turned Off; This Dang Zipper! and Increasing the Heater’s Thermostat from 185 to 194 Degrees, with a 10/08/2023 15:50
The RSB Show 5-11-23 - Jonathan Emord, Trump CNN debacle, Title 42, Biden family crimes, WHO treaty danger, New Disinformation Office, Antidepressants for pain, Power of Positive Thinking, Dental implants, Water options
Fire and Water: Good Versus Evil, Both Explained and Practically Applied. Episode 4. Day 4: Post-Shower on Wednesday, 01/24/2024, at 06:58 EST. 3 Showers in 4 Days, and Factually Comparing the Raw Food Diet to All Other Diets.
Fire and Water: Good Versus Evil, Both Explained and Practically Applied. Episode 6. Day 6: Post-Shower on Friday, 01/26/2024, at 06:55 EST. The Process of Elimination; 5 Showers in 6 Days, the Raw Food Diet Consecutive Day 3+; and the Aging Cardiovascula