Pfizer | "We Are Exploring, Why Don't We Just Mutate the Virus Ourselves? So We Could Preemptively Develop New Vaccines." - Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research & Development Strategic Operations & mRNA Planning
Pfizer | "We Are Exploring, Why Don't We Just Mutate the Virus Ourselves? So We Could Preemptively Develop New Vaccines." - Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research & Development Strategic Operations & mRNA Planning
Grammys | Why Did the 2023 Grammys Have a Satan Theme? Why Were the 2023 Satanic-Themed Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Did the 2023 Grammys Feature Satanic Rituals? Why Did the Satanic Temple Open An Abortion Clinic to Offer Free Ritual Abortions?
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currency, You Have No Power Whatsoever. If They Don't Like What You're Doing They Shut You Down & You're Impoverished. We May Live to See That Day That It Does Happen." - Tucker Carlson
CBDCs | "Early Next Year We Will Be In the Phase of CHASING Up People Who Haven't Come Up Forward to Get Their Vaccination. There Will Be Some People We Really Have to Go Out and Look For." - Chris Hipkins (PM of New Zealand)
Satanic Agenda & Hollywood | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? | “We Have Worked Really Closely with Hollywood On This." - Sarah Kate Ellis CEO of GLAAD (Pro-LGBT Media Monitoring Group) | "We Are Ready to Worship." - CBS
Great Reset | URGENT UPDATE: America's Sovereignty Is At Stake NOW Featuring: Jimmy Evans, Michelle Bachmann, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Helen Clark & Tedros
CBDC | What Is the Connection Between CERN, CBDCs, Surveillance Under the Skin, Quantum Dots, QUANT CBDCs, the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset?
Mel K | Marxism & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two? Can the American SPRINT Towards Marxism Be Stopped? Understanding the Connection Between CBDCs, Transhumanism, Marxism and The Great Reset
Grammys | Pastor Todd Coconato | Do Celebrities Sell Their Soul to Get to the Top of Hollywood? Why Is Madonna Pushing the QUANT CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies Satanic Agenda?
Great Reset | "When the Flood Comes the Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for the ELITE Leaving the Rest to Drown." + "Humans Will Upgrade Themselves Into Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari