Florida Event and New Orleans + Baphomet Statue in Voodoo Shop, Baphomet Represented by Transgenderism and Homosexuality + EMF Detector, Sending Energy
The 3 Main Orders: The Order of the Golden Dawn, The Order of the Phoenix, The Order of Melchizedek (not the Biblical Order of Melchizedek, but a Counterfeit/Mockery) + Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall
Kanye's Sunday Services, Rhythms & Frequencies Familiar to Jessie from Childhood, "Witchy Force" + Sunshine (Jessie's Ritual Name), Lucifer's End-Time Agenda & Role Jessie was Meant to Play Opening All the Spiritual Gates
Kanye & Kim Kardasian, Black Wedding Ritual, Dark to Light, Bride, Mockery of Christ + Aleister Crowley, Equilibrium + Announces the End of the Dark Side, Expect False Christs Capable of Signs, Wonders and Miracles
Donda Merch, Gematria, Solomon's Seal, The Creation of Ritual Spaces (including on People's Bodies) and Portals for Demonic Spirits to Come Through + King Solomon, Wisdom, Knowing By Experience, The Black Arts + The Great Apostasy, Deception