1. A Bloke is Going to Tell us all What it is Like to be a Girl - Gareth Roberts on Paris Lees

    A Bloke is Going to Tell us all What it is Like to be a Girl - Gareth Roberts on Paris Lees

  2. A Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Christmas 2022 Pedestal Keysanity

    A Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Christmas 2022 Pedestal Keysanity

  3. Mermaids, Twats and Cheating on Sports

    Mermaids, Twats and Cheating on Sports

  4. New Zealand Rejects Wokery - Maybe?

    New Zealand Rejects Wokery - Maybe?

  5. Edie Wyatt on the Nonsense Surrounding "Gender Affirming Care" and Deception in Psychiatry

    Edie Wyatt on the Nonsense Surrounding "Gender Affirming Care" and Deception in Psychiatry

  6. Throwing Word Salad in Richard Dawkins Face

    Throwing Word Salad in Richard Dawkins Face

  7. Shahrar Ali - Legally Weeding Out Trans Nonsense from the Greens - One Court Case at a Time.

    Shahrar Ali - Legally Weeding Out Trans Nonsense from the Greens - One Court Case at a Time.

  8. Kellogg's EDI Gets Frosty Reception

    Kellogg's EDI Gets Frosty Reception

  9. From LGBTQIA Nuttery to BLM, So Called EDI is a Grift and a Danger. Follow the 💰

    From LGBTQIA Nuttery to BLM, So Called EDI is a Grift and a Danger. Follow the 💰

  10. BBC Fact Checker Fact Checked

    BBC Fact Checker Fact Checked

  11. Trans McCarthyism Incarnate

    Trans McCarthyism Incarnate

  12. Streisand Effect, Roisin Murphy and the BBC Twerps

    Streisand Effect, Roisin Murphy and the BBC Twerps

  13. Irish Company Shows How to Deal with the LGBT Nutters

    Irish Company Shows How to Deal with the LGBT Nutters

  14. Robin Moira White Wibbles in Guff Strewn Piece in the Guardian

    Robin Moira White Wibbles in Guff Strewn Piece in the Guardian

  15. Persecution of Gay Men and Lesbians Accelerates in Ghana - Angry Jester

    Persecution of Gay Men and Lesbians Accelerates in Ghana - Angry Jester

  16. Tavistock Miscreants' Private Clinic Under Investigation Already

    Tavistock Miscreants' Private Clinic Under Investigation Already

  17. BREAKING PSHE NEWS They Won't Like This Up Em. Tantrums in 5432......

    BREAKING PSHE NEWS They Won't Like This Up Em. Tantrums in 5432......

  18. UnKooth - The Assault on your Child is Real

    UnKooth - The Assault on your Child is Real

  19. Intersectionality is Shredding the Truth.

    Intersectionality is Shredding the Truth.

  20. PSHE Shenanigans as Keegan Drops a Stinker on 3rd Party Providers

    PSHE Shenanigans as Keegan Drops a Stinker on 3rd Party Providers

  21. Ireland Realises they are Setting Autistic Children on a Pathway to Trans Harm

    Ireland Realises they are Setting Autistic Children on a Pathway to Trans Harm
