Business | Learn How to Build a Scalable Business Systems, Workflows and Processes | Discover How Clay Clark Coached Candra Czapansky Into 128% Growth Year of Year Growth & Growing from 14 Employees to 40 Employees & Beyond!!!
Business | How to Implement Turn-Key Marketing for Your Business | Learn the SPECIFIC MOVES AND SYSTEMS That Dr. Zoellner and Clay Clark Use And You Can Too To Market Over 170+ Multi-Million Dollar Businesses
Business | "A Couple of Years I Was Stuck In A Rut. I Didn't Know Any Better. Selling Was Difficult. Staffing Was Difficult. I Was About Ready to Hang It Up. Now, We Are Actually GROWING!!! The Training Will Rock Your World." - Nick Smith
Business | Best-selling Co-Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Sharon Lechter On Why YOU CANNOT DELEGATE YOUR FINANCIALS + Why College Is Not a Good Idea for Most Entrepreneurs
Business | Franchise Coaching | "Clay Is Very Entertaining & Energized. The Material That He Delivers Is Spot On” - Glenn Sanford (EXP Realty) “We Couldn't Have Chosen a Better Guy to Lead Us." - Dave Drucker (UPS Canada)
Business | SALES SYSTEMS + How to DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE YOUR SALES By Implementing Turn-Key Systems, Scripts, Checklists, Documented Processes and Quality Control Loops
Business | Soft-Selling In a HARD WORLD with Best-Selling Author And Legendary Sales Trainer (Jerry Vass) | How to Build Turn-Key Sales Systems And Sales Processes to GROW Your Business EXPONENTIALLY NOW!!!
Business | How to Create a Franchise-able & Scalable Business That Will Create Both Time and Financial Freedom for You | "I Don't Think We Could Have Chosen a Better Guy to Lead Us." - David Drucker (President of UPS Canada)
Business | How Get 10X More Done + How to Run a Successful Franchise and Business | The Importance of Using To-Do-Lists, Calendars, Checklists, Scripts and Proven Processes + “Action Is the Real Measure of Intelligence.” - Napoleon Hill
Business | Breaking Down the EPIC 4X Growth of Kelly Construction from $2,000,000 to $8,000,000 In Annual Revenue + How We Helped Jon Kelly Turn a $24,607 Advertisement Investment Into a $3,532,537 Result + Why Weekly Coaching Is the Anecdote to Drifting