( -0845 ) Time Travel Is a Fact [Jim Sparks Compilation] ( What if Gravity Control, Time Control, & Teleportation [Not ala Star Trek] Are Real & THE Top Priority For Secrecy? )
Astronaut Gordon Cooper Said He Witnessed The Teleportation of a Dog - Restricted, Classified, Compartmentalized, & Fractionated - Except For the Dog Who Was Just Fractionated
( -0842 ) You Weren't Fooled - The Fabian Socialists' 'Medical Mafia' is Becoming TRANSPARENT to the Worldwide Public - A Tipping Point - Eustace Mullins Exposed Them Early On
( -0828 ) Why Did Mysterious Drones Pick New Jersey - Good Guys? - Tracking? - Blue Beam? - Is NJ (Such as Grover's Mill) the Perfect Setting for a Psyop?
( -0836 ) Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City Agenda 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
( -0836 ) [fix on the way - skip forward from 34:47-34:57] Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City 2030 Build Back Better Agenda