Battlefield 4 - Random Moments 4 (Bad Teammates, Skyscraper Fail)
Flying Car! (Close Calls #41)
Battlefield 3 - Random Moments 30
Watch Dogs - Random And Funny Moments!
Battlefield 4 - Random Moments 13 (PROMOTED, LEEROY JENKINS!)
Ellie WTF? - Games Are Weird 120
Star Wars Battlefront - Random Moments #8 (Destroying The Death Star!)
Accidental Win - TrackMania!
Battlefield 4 - Random Moments 35 (New Dance, Rocket Face Smash!)
GTA V WIN Compilation!
The Bats Here! - Games Are Weird 151
My Heist Crew Sucks! (When Idiots Play Games #14)
Star Wars Battlefront Beta Moments!
Flying In Circles! (When Idiots Play Games #17)
Gamers Are Awesome - Episode 33
I Can Be Your Hero Baby! (Game Fails #124)
Battlefield Hardline - Random Moments 9 (Smile For The Camera!)
Accidental Win - Falling Gracefully!
GTA V - RANDOM & FUNNY MOMENTS 47 (Worst Cops In The City!)
Battlefield 4 - Epic Moments (#63)
Battlefield 1 Beta - EPIC Moments #3
Accidental Win - Through The Scope!
Rainbow Six Siege - Random Moments #6 (GET TO THE CHOPPA!)
Accidental Win - Rockets Baby!
Battlefield 4 - Epic Moments (#64)