Sticks & Stones May Break Bones, Hate Speech Will Not.. IT IS FREE SPEECH! Conscious Discourse is an Individual's Choice of Responsibility, NOT A REQUIREMENT. And Any Attack May Be (Not Absolutely) an Opportunity to Investigate My Own Reflection!
Comfortable with Exactly Who You Are. ‘Put Me Up on a Pedestal or Drag Me Down in the Dirt.. Sticks & Stones may Break My Bones, But Your Names Will Never Hurt. This is Who I Am!’ “Like it or Not” by Madonna. #Mood
The Gift is Your Position to Play a Role Outside of Source to be a Force in Expansion, and You Said Yes with Excitement—Be Grateful. Getting Caught up in the Illusion of the Role Results in Being Stuck on the Karmic Wheel. Heal Within and Thus Without!
Dedicated to Those Who Find Love –>Inside<– Even in Singlehood; and Whose Past isn’t STUCK in Their Solar Plexus Chakra.. “Freedom! ‘90” by George Michael (a Revolutionary Video Directed by David Fincher).