Socially Engineered Illuminati Product (That's MANYYY Humans, But in This Case, the Colorado Secretary of State) Loosing Her Mind and Looking Like She's About do Cry Over 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling—Trump WILL BE on the Ballot!
Neil Young—From Musical Sovereign Warrior to Sellout-Soul. From Anti-Commercialism and Anti-Poisons in Food to VaxXx Pusher. Neil Young Comes Crawling Back to Spotify!
The "Jesus is King" Brigade, The Perverted Law of Attraction Brigade [Who Avoid Reality (if You Avoid it Then There's No Reality to Create WITH Nor FROM)], The Chosen People Brigade.. AND THE REST: When Your Belief System TRUMPS THE TRUTH!
NYC LOVES TRUMP? Hope Ya'll Get to Vote for Him, for Your Own Sake! | WE in 5D: I Love Trump as One of Multiple Archetypes Which Speak to Aspects of My Own Essense. HOWEVER, My Inner-Peace/Divine Protection Come From No Outside Source, as Such!
The Savior is Coming! That's What These Hard Times are Revealing to You. And This is How (the ONLY Way) You’re Saved From This Reality... | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
Trauma-Fractured Souls of Low-Vibration Paranoia NOT Entertained Here (w/ Indirect Help From NotaRubicon): RULES of the WE in 5D Channel! | P.S. Thus Anons/Qanon'ers Not Welcomed. P.P.S. IF YOU'RE GOING FOR IT MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A GOOD ONE.
RULES of the WE in 5D Channel + The Fanaticism & Poor-Vibration Paranoia NOT Accepted Here (w/ Indirect Help From NotaRubicon) | P.S. Anons/Qanon'ers Not Entertained Here! P.P.S. IF YOU'RE GOING FOR IT MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A GOOD ONE.