1. Do you have the site that I can go to see who is investing in my Social Security?

    Do you have the site that I can go to see who is investing in my Social Security?

  2. ( -0792 ) Diddy's Kiddies, Info Warfare, Weather Control Ignorance, Obama's Fail, Trump's Attorney on Fake News From Congress, & Outrageous Questions of Jewish Loyalty

    ( -0792 ) Diddy's Kiddies, Info Warfare, Weather Control Ignorance, Obama's Fail, Trump's Attorney on Fake News From Congress, & Outrageous Questions of Jewish Loyalty

  3. Info #169-Layers of deception-Jurisdiction and how to lawfully remove your signature from anything

    Info #169-Layers of deception-Jurisdiction and how to lawfully remove your signature from anything

  4. Info #151-Kelby talks about the journey that it took to understand how to Live in the Private

    Info #151-Kelby talks about the journey that it took to understand how to Live in the Private

  5. Do you have to wait for the majority of the Citizens to go private prior to re-inhabiting Republic

    Do you have to wait for the majority of the Citizens to go private prior to re-inhabiting Republic

  6. Explain trust law as it relates to the Drivers and Social Security contracts

    Explain trust law as it relates to the Drivers and Social Security contracts
