The Illuminati Demystified | A Presentation by Jay Dyer (Tailored to Normies—Potentially Fuels and Justifies the Ego of a Jesus-Head, But This is Still Fantastic Historically Accurate Information for the Out-Of-Matrix Objective Sovereign Mind).
THE HOPELESS SERIES—Despair is Beautiful Because the Opposite End of it’s Spectrum Exists, and is Only THAT MUCH MORE Accessible After Despair Because it is Then More Identifiable. “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You” by Sting.
Dedicated to Loved Ones of All Kinds Who Help Restore Faith. Nothing Really Matters Til You Make it. Even When I’m Let Down—Life is for Learning! | The Pro-Complete-Your-Journey/Anti-Suicide Song “The Way of the World” by Cathy Dennis with D-Mob.
Putin and Xi on Hot Mic—Evidence of BOTH Working with the White Hats? Possibly so! Normie Conservatives and Some Libs are Terrified. And if This Video DOES Represent the Worst—Sovereign Transcending Souls be not Afraid! #StarseedPrivilege
Alex Jones Vs. Inbred Brit, Pierce Morgan (1/12/23). Alex Proves 100% That Our Water is Turning Frogs Gay + Once and for All: This is What Happened at Sandy Hook —End of Story— We Can All Let it Go Now! (Must See Til the End to Find Out)
Gregg Braden Revisits a Rare Dolores Cannon Interview on His Own YouTube Channel—Regina Meredith Interviews Dolores (Circa 2007), and Then a Brief Current-Day Chat with her Daughter, Julia Cannon!
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!