8 months agoKerry Cassidy and I discuss current events and are reptilians really running the world?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoAre the white hats in control of the DNC and doing a perp walk for the world to see?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoWhat will the election look like and will blue cities become hell holes?michaelj5326Verified
6 months agoNot if but when Trump comes back he will openly activate military teams.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoHundreds of people killed from the devastation of man made hurricane Helene.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoThe witches are going to come out against Trump during the Halloween sacrifice rituals.michaelj5326Verified
4 months agoWill Trump be declared Presidential winner on election night? Will there be riots?michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoComing wars as the deep state apparatus unravels they will leave a decades long mess to cleanup.michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoExplosion of drone sightings happening over military bases actually ET craft?michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoWill a dirty nuke go off in NJ and will DC be destroyed in a fake alien invasion?michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoDemocrats and deep state are forcing a depression and worse market crash than 1929 around the world along with a push to WWIII.michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoSilver is in a bull market and will it quickly move higher soon under the Trump Administration?michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoViolence at the Trump inauguration or head fake? Riots for the spring?michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoDeep state bioweapon attack coming on January 21st? Drones readied for attacks.michaelj5326Verified
26 days agoJuan O Savin reveals the latest back channel intel on the world wide deep state take down.SierraDelta
24 days agoWill President Trump reveal hidden messages and announce arrests on the congress report?SierraDelta
3 months agoThe stock market rout and near government shut down were a taste of what's to come.michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoWhen the US goes to war on the Mexican cartels what will that do to precious metals.michaelj5326Verified
15 days agoRomanian government about to fall to the people and Bernie Sanders losing his mind?SierraDelta
3 months agoSecret drone technology is coming and going from advanced underwater bases.michaelj5326Verified