Ray Kurzweil | "If Are You're Super Human, You Have the Human Being As Part of It." - Ray Kurzweil | - Rogan, "How Long Before You Don't Have to Talk?" Musk, "Maybe 5 to 10 Years." (5/7/2020) | "We Could Merge
CBDC | "If There Was Somebody Of Bad Intent Running That They Can Make You Do Anything Like to Make You Get an Injection That You Don't Need That Might Be Poisonous." - Michael Yeadon (Former scientific researcher & VP at Pfizer)
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "The Ruling Elites of the World, the Black Rocks, The State Streets, They Are On Record Saying They Don't Want Our Consumer Society, But They Are the Biggest Consumers Compared to Anybody Else In the World."