1 year agoMondo Loops x Aiguille - Nature's Beauty [batidas relaxantes de lofi hip hop]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🙆♂️ A Bailarina 🌙 [Batidas Relaxantes] / 🙆♂️ The Ballerina 🌙 [Relaxing Beats]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎐 Outro fim de semana silencioso ❄️ [Batidas Relaxantes] / 🎐 Another Silent Weekend ❄️ [Relaxing B..Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎶 Momentos a Guardar ☕ [batidas Relaxantes] / 🎶 Moments to Remember ☕ [Relaxing beats]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎉 Festas do pijama 💭 [Musica para Relaxar] / 🎉 Sleepovers 💭 [Chill Out Music]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎏 Quando eu me for 🌠 [Batida Relaxante] / 🎏 When I'm Gone 🌠 [Relax Beat]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎭 Emoções Silenciosas 🐠 [Batidas Relaxantes] / 🎭 Silent Emotions 🐠 [Relaxing Beats]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎵 Uma Escalada ⛺ [Musica Para Relachar] / 🎵 A Climb ⛺ [Music To Relax]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎡 Ver a Beleza em Tudo 🌺 [Dormir Bem] / 🎡 See the Beauty in Everything 🌺 [Sleep Well]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🩰 Sonho de Uma Criança🌱 [Musica Para Relachar] / A Child's Dream 🌱 [Music To Relachar]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago⛳ Lindo verde a noite 🗻 [Musica Relaxante] / ⛳ Beautiful green at night 🗻 [Relaxing Music]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎠Um Mundo de Ilusão 🌾 [Musica Relaxante] / 🎠A World of Illusion 🌾 [Relaxing Music]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎆Depois da Chuva 🌂 [Batida relaxante] / 🎆After the Rain 🌂 [Relaxing Beat]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎼 Tomada de Descisão🌴 [Musica para sua concentração] / 🎼 Decision Making🌴 [Music for your concen]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year agoFluxo Meditativo 🌃 [Musica de Concentração] / Meditative Flow 🌃 [Concentration Music]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎹 Viagem no tempo 🌠 [Batidas Relaxantes] / 🎹 Time Travel 🌠 [Relaxing Beats]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎶 Uma Linda cidade ☁️ [Som Para Relaxar] / 🎶 A Beautiful City ☁️ [Sound To Relax]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago💎 O brilho 🎇 [Batidas Relaxantes] 💎 The Shine 🎇 [Relaxing Beats]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago📆 Quarta feira azul na minha cabeça 🌈 [Batidas Relantes] / 📆 Blue Wednesday in my head 🌈 [RelatingBeautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎉 Momentos Felizes ☄️ [Musica para Relaxar] / 🎉 Happy Moments ☄️ [Music to Relax]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago⛳ No meio dos Sete Mares 🌊 [Relaxe bem] / ⛳ In the middle of the Seven Seas 🌊 [Relax well]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🎢Tico enfrenta Ilha Lunar🌙🎍 [Musica Relaxante] / 🎢Tico faces Lunar Island🌙🎍 [Relaxing Music]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🖼Novos Horizontes 🌻 [Muito Relaxante] / 🖼New Horizons 🌻 [Very Relaxing]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago✨Passeio na Floresta 🌲 Durma calmamente [Batida Relaxante] / ✨Forest Walk 🌲 Sleep Calmly [Relaxing]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!
1 year ago🧸 Um passeio pelo céu ☁️✨ Venha nessa vigem agora [Musica Relaxante]Beautiful bids, news, and lots of live football!