1. When you look at the code and wonder how does this not crash!!! 🤔

    When you look at the code and wonder how does this not crash!!! 🤔

  2. When it comes to success in business, "Patience" & "Persistence" is must.

    When it comes to success in business, "Patience" & "Persistence" is must.

  3. When you think of corporate solidarity, remember this video... 😂

    When you think of corporate solidarity, remember this video... 😂

  4. Happiness is you, Don’t go searching for it in temporary situations, It’s all y😍u!

    Happiness is you, Don’t go searching for it in temporary situations, It’s all y😍u!

  5. Designed to relieve people’s tension and release pressure when they pay attention to time.

    Designed to relieve people’s tension and release pressure when they pay attention to time.

  6. If I focus on head of horse I see the forward movement but IfI focus on legs i see backward movement

    If I focus on head of horse I see the forward movement but IfI focus on legs i see backward movement

  7. It`s important to express oneself provided the feelings are real and taken from you own experience

    It`s important to express oneself provided the feelings are real and taken from you own experience

  8. "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

    "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

  9. “Overthinking ruins you. It ruins the situation. And it twists things around. It makes you worry.”

    “Overthinking ruins you. It ruins the situation. And it twists things around. It makes you worry.”

  10. “Keep trying; failures increase the probability of success.”- Ken Poirot.

    “Keep trying; failures increase the probability of success.”- Ken Poirot.

  11. “Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”

    “Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”

  12. "When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."

    "When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."

  13. Do you think professional or luck? برأيك احتراف أم حظ 🤔؟؟

    Do you think professional or luck? برأيك احتراف أم حظ 🤔؟؟

  14. The Lord is My Light and My Salvation - Psalm 27 - यहोवा मेरा प्रकाश और मेरा उद्धार है - भजन 27

    The Lord is My Light and My Salvation - Psalm 27 - यहोवा मेरा प्रकाश और मेरा उद्धार है - भजन 27

  15. God Sustains His Servant Psalm 40 -Mungu Humtegemeza Mtumishi Wake - भगवान अपने नौकर को बनाए रखता है

    God Sustains His Servant Psalm 40 -Mungu Humtegemeza Mtumishi Wake - भगवान अपने नौकर को बनाए रखता है

  16. مشروع كتاكيت جوارديولا بدل دوري الابطال😂😂

    مشروع كتاكيت جوارديولا بدل دوري الابطال😂😂

  17. the army sizes of all G20 members and Ukraine

    the army sizes of all G20 members and Ukraine

  18. Never let anything stop you from chasing your d r e a m s

    Never let anything stop you from chasing your d r e a m s

  19. This app is training doctors while using AugmentedReality

    This app is training doctors while using AugmentedReality

  20. Regain Foot Health By Wearing Them Regularly.

    Regain Foot Health By Wearing Them Regularly.

  21. Keep going, keep growing. If we don't change, we don't grow...The beauty of nature using time lapse.

    Keep going, keep growing. If we don't change, we don't grow...The beauty of nature using time lapse.

  22. Packing for business travel now made easier.

    Packing for business travel now made easier.

  23. Watch how immune cell chases bacteria and eliminates them

    Watch how immune cell chases bacteria and eliminates them
