1. IT IS FINISHED! One of Jesus last words on the cross- τετέλεσται

    IT IS FINISHED! One of Jesus last words on the cross- τετέλεσται

  2. God's Value System ..When You Bring Your Trouble To Him | #prophetic #blessing

    God's Value System ..When You Bring Your Trouble To Him | #prophetic #blessing

  3. Words Part 2 | OCTOBER 3, 2021 | PastorB.

    Words Part 2 | OCTOBER 3, 2021 | PastorB.

  4. Nigmar's Bible Study 11/14/2024 with Elisha: Fear of God

    Nigmar's Bible Study 11/14/2024 with Elisha: Fear of God

  5. Psalms for Comfort: Healing Verses for Challenging Times #PsalmsOfComfort

    Psalms for Comfort: Healing Verses for Challenging Times #PsalmsOfComfort

  6. HEALING WORD - Scripture Read by Dr. Wierwille - 12:50

    HEALING WORD - Scripture Read by Dr. Wierwille - 12:50

  7. HEALING WORD - Scripture read by Dr. Wierwille - 12:50 KJV bible scripture english lesson subtitles

    HEALING WORD - Scripture read by Dr. Wierwille - 12:50 KJV bible scripture english lesson subtitles

  8. HEALING WORD - Scripture read by Dr. Wierwille - 1hr 30m KJV bible scripture with english subtitles

    HEALING WORD - Scripture read by Dr. Wierwille - 1hr 30m KJV bible scripture with english subtitles
