CBDCs | FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...The Goal of the Vaccine Passports Has Nothing to Do With Health. I Call It a Slavery System. Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
CBCDs | "Money Is Evolving from a Binary Thing to Very Complicated Intelligent Form of Money Call SMART Money." - Gilbert Verdian (Founder and CEO of Quant) + "The Financial System Will Become So Complicated - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals. The Whole Idea That Humans Have a Soul or Spirit and They Have Free Will So Whatever I Choose Whether In the Election or Wether In the Supermarket, That's Over&
The Great Reset | "Leave the Decision Making to the A.I. It's Better At That and Let's Focus On Exploring Consciousness and On Exploring Experience Which Is Not About Decision Making."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Even the Creative Jobs Are Not Safe. Doctors Who Basically Just Analyze Data, This Is the Easiest Thing to Automate. We Are Going to Have A.I. Doctors"
15-Minute | "COVID Has Made a Difference, Pandemics Being Great Accelerators." + COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin"
Yuval Noah Harari | Elections & Voting Rights | "Think of the Potential Impact of Having a Scale of Consciousness Within Humanity Itself Which Places Some Humans or Some Feelings Above Other Humans and Others Feelings."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Ever Feel Like a Homo Deus & To Follow In the Footstep of Jesus Doesn't Mean to Say I Believe That Jesus Christ Is the Savior. So You Believe In Jesus Christ, So What"
Yuval Noah Harari | Free-Will | "What Happens If the Government and the Corporation Cannot Just Anticipate the Will and Desire of the Voters and Customers, But Can Also Manipulate and Control Them"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Should Robots Have Rights? Should A.I. Be Authorized to Make Ethical Decisions? Should We Produce Autonomous Weapon Systems That Can Decide On Their Own Initiative Who to Kill?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Humanity Has the Power to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change. If We Invest 2% of Global GDP, We Can Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change"
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Is the Role of Our Bodies? Is the Point to Release Our Mind or Our Soul from This to Exist In an Immaterial Realm? This Theological Battle from 2,000 Years Is Now Becoming a Real Battle"