1 year ago精彩節選:印象最深刻的是,文貴先生磁場的強大——罗伊 #跟隨七哥的芳華 #罗伊 #小蛋糕 #小宇宙 #日本银河系农场 #跟随七哥的芳华 #NFSC #TakeDowntheCCP《跟随七哥的芳华》Miles Guo Take Down the CCP
11 months agoRecap:Emergency repair of generator awning before rain3月25日乌克兰紧急救援前线战友集锦NFSC&RLF Ukraine Rescue Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE
9 months ago日本银河系农场八九六四 系列节目「不一样的烟火 」宣传片(5)8964 自由女神 北京天安门 静坐 绝食 坦克人NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months agoWhy Miles Guo (Kwok)?!(7/13) The CCP completely controls Miles domestic assets, lures him to returnHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
9 months ago这是场声势浩大的抗议,而我们的500多张传单在30分钟内就已经发完了!🔥🔥🔥 531东京反疫苗游行 日比谷デモパレード EXITTHEWHO #NFSCJapanGalaxyNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago源源不断的聚集起来的抗议人群,我们的传单已经不够了,又要去追加印 800张!#日比谷デモパレード #EXITTHEWHO #银河系在行动 #531东京反疫苗游行 #NFSCJapanGalaxyNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago我们也要开始发布传单了,银河系聚集起来了!🔥🔥🔥🔥 531东京反疫苗游行 日比谷デモパレード EXITTHEWHO #NFSCJapanGalaxyNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
8 months agoMs. Hu Youping's courageous actions strongly prove: Chinese people is NOT the same as the CCPGloryMifan
11 months ago揭秘“断播门” 发生的全过程🔥🔥🔥 2017年4月19日美国之音采访郭文贵先生,原定3小时的采访被中共力量阻断,这次事件在国际媒体引起了轩然大波,被称为“断播门” 4.19 Interruption IncidentNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago2024年6月11日郭文贵先生庭审检方第14位证人海瑟姆·哈立德,GTV和Saraca前员工|第二部分|AI音频笔录中文朗读 #证人证言 MILESTRIAL #中共头号敌人 灭共者 郭文贵NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
9 months ago2024年6月10日郭文贵先生庭审检方第13位证人贾科莫·马蒂奥利,法拉利经销商|全部证词|AI音频笔录中文朗读 证人证言 MILESTRIAL #中共头号敌人 灭共者 郭文贵NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
4 months agoWhat's the true meaning of Xi Jinping's "community with a shared future for mankind"?GloryMifan
6 months agoWang Qishan: mankind should be divided into different classes and managed with modern technologiesGloryMifan
3 months agoJohn Moolenaar: the American public's awareness of the CCP's threat continues to riseGloryMifan
2 months agoThe UN's economic forecast aligns with the CCP's official narrative: is it controlled by the CCP?GloryMifan
1 month ago【HU】A WolvesAndFinance műsorvezető felszólítja Trump kormányát, hogy fordítson figyelmet...GloryMifan2
3 months ago🚨 Global Cyber Crisis Alert! 🚨 As early as 2017, Miles Guo warned the world 🌍 about the CCPHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
3 months agoUrgent News 🚨 ⚔️ The CCP's infiltration into the #USjudiciary has reached unimaginable levels! 😡Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场