3 years agoExodus 37 “Building the Tabernacle Sanctuary” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoExodus 38 “Building the Tabernacle Courtyard” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 2-3 "The Grain and Peace Offering" - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 6 “The Required Offerings” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 7 “The Regulations for the Offerings” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 11-12 "Laws on the Clean and Unclean" - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 15 "Wound, Skink, and Discharge Precautions" - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoLeviticus 21 “Required Conduct of the Priests - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoExodus 29 “A Father and His Sons Consecrated” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
4 years agoExodus 8 “Stubbornness, Idols, and Compromises” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
4 years agoExodus 9 “Disease, Hailstorm and Insincere Words” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
4 years agoExodus 2 “Moses and God’s Patience” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
4 years agoExodus 3 “Standing on Holy Ground” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
4 years agoExodus 6 “Promise Making and Promise Keeping” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoMatthew 1:18-25 "The Birth of Jesus The Messiah" (Christmas Eve) - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoMatthew 2:1-15 "Wise Men Worship Jesus" - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
3 years agoExodus 39 “The Priestly Garments” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls