2 years ago4/15/2022 - Good Friday message! You are God's heroes! Thank our hidden heroes!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago05/03/2022 – SCOTUS Leak Roe v Wade brief! Riots incoming? Distractions!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago8/3/2022 - Trump Candidates Winning! Fake News & Wall Street is freaking out!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago10/24/2022 - PRC Government to steal, obstruct national security for Huawei! Milley Esper Treason!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago10/24/2022 - Merrick Garland - Christopher Wray Press Conference unsealed indictments on PRC Huawei!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago11/07/2022 - Pelosi set to resign if Dems lose midterms! Layoffs at FB/CNN/ WF! Trump Rally!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago11/28/2022 - Three New Q! Dormant volcano is now active! News updates! Trust God!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago12/19/2022 - Twit Files 6&7 - Did FBI Elvis perjure himself? 15 days til new Congress! It's ON!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago1/10/2023- Over 200 Bills in Congress to pass! Congress Day 2 is BIG! Trusting God pays off!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago1/9/2023- SCOTUS - Trump sides with SCOTUS & McCarthy - Why? Pelosi investigated! Trust in God!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago1/4/2023 - McFailure still losing! Big Twit File reveals! Make a difference!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago2/08/2023 - Congress threatens Twitter Execs with arrests! Scorching 1st day hearing!SantaSurfingVerified
1 year ago4/28/2023 - Brunson v. Sotomayor/Jackson/Kagan! Our Constitutional Rights! Giving God Gratitude!SantaSurfingVerified
1 year ago4/27/2023 - Congressman and Media talk about impeaching Joe! God helps...we have to ask!SantaSurfingVerified
1 year ago5/4/2023 - Blinken - Powell - Bidens - Banks! Lions Den never stopped Trump! God is paving the way!SantaSurfingVerified
1 year ago5/3/2023 - Dimon...Blinken...Wray...Hunter...Joe! No late night...YAY! God wants us joyful!SantaSurfingVerified
2 years ago4/19/2022 - Twitter updates! Your Slingshot! It is your Faith that pleases God!SantaSurfingVerified