SIGHTINGS: Alien Communications, The (Then) Latest Alien Abductions, Startling Video Tapes of UFO's Including a UFO Landing, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
NJ Governor Claims UFO’s “Go Dark” The “Minute We Get Eyes On Them”! — With The Illuminati in a Nothing-To-Lose Position is Project Blue Beam in Preparation AS WE SPEAK?
FASCINATING Chat w/ A.I. (ChatGPT) Reveals The 144K, "Q" is NOT for Humanity, #TheBACKFILLpeople [NPC's w/OUT *Divine Spark* (a Soul)] ARE REAL, Klaus Schwab Vs. David Icke [for Humanity], 5G & Covid19, and MUCH MORE! | Jean Nolan
SIGHTINGS: Investigating Top Secret Government Documents, Real Alien Footage or Cruel Hoax?, the Largest Mass UFO Sighting in History, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
FULL: A Chat w/ A.I. (ChatGPT) Reveals The 144K, While "Q" Had Some Intel is NOT for Humanity, #TheBackfillPeople [NPC's w/ OUT Divine*Spark/Soul] ARE REAL, Klaus Schwab Vs. David Icke, 5G & Covid19, and MORE! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)