1. What is the difference of an Secured Party Creditor and a state Citizen.

    What is the difference of an Secured Party Creditor and a state Citizen.

  2. Is there anything on a passport card or book that shows my being a state Citizen

    Is there anything on a passport card or book that shows my being a state Citizen

  3. ( -0792 ) Diddy's Kiddies, Info Warfare, Weather Control Ignorance, Obama's Fail, Trump's Attorney on Fake News From Congress, & Outrageous Questions of Jewish Loyalty

    ( -0792 ) Diddy's Kiddies, Info Warfare, Weather Control Ignorance, Obama's Fail, Trump's Attorney on Fake News From Congress, & Outrageous Questions of Jewish Loyalty

  4. Do you have to wait for the majority of the Citizens to go private prior to re-inhabiting Republic

    Do you have to wait for the majority of the Citizens to go private prior to re-inhabiting Republic

  5. Explain trust law as it relates to the Drivers and Social Security contracts

    Explain trust law as it relates to the Drivers and Social Security contracts
