UMass Amherst: Crowd Turns Riotous, Sinner Froths At The Mouth, Student Steals My Bible & Rips Out Pages, Sinner Throws Water All Over Me, Sinner Presses Black Tape Over My Go-Pro, Chaos, Sinner Stalks Me (Viewer Discretion Advised)
WVU: Mocking Agnostic Soon Turns Sober As He Agrees to An Hour Conversation & By The End He Thanks Me -- Holy Spirit Really Worked Powerfully Today -- Another Catholic Student w/ Humble Heart Meekly Receives The Word, Just An AWESOME Day on Campus!
George Mason Univ: Sodomite Attacks Elijah From Behind, Police Called, Crowd Grows, Muslims Come Out In Force, I Stomp On The Koran, Muslim Lunges Toward Me, Police Called Again, Muslim Arrested, Student Newspaper Interviews Us
Florida Atlantic University: 4-5 Really Good One-On-One Discussions with Curious Students, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hundreds, Some Mockers But Also Lots of Fruitful Discussions