The False Prophet | Why Did "A False Prophet" Yuval Noah Harari Show Up On the World-Wide Stage When the Euphrates River Dried Up? (Revelation 16- 12-14) + Is China Amassing An Army of 200 Million From Its Population of 1.4 Billion?
Candice Keller | “One Of The Signs Said, This Is Not The Church And I Looked Up At That And Thought, Oh No This Is The Church Because I’m Here!” - Candice Keller
Trump Vs. The Oligarchic System | "Donald Trump Was a BIG SHOCK. It Was the First Time of the Oligarchic System That Happened By Accident. The Process Which Are Dealing Now, This Plandemic Was Supposed to Happen In 2016." - Călin Georgescu
Cordie Williams | “Are We Going To Let Them Take Away Our Right As Parents To Choose What Goes In Our Kids Brains And Our Kids Veins?” - Cordie Williams