CBDCs | "Now Is the Historical Moment, the Time to Fight the Real Virus and to Shape the System." - Klaus Schwab | "Gosh This Looks Alot Like the Mark of the Beast." - Glenn Beck
CBDCs | "If You Look At What's Happening with TWITTER. That Is Going to Be a Payments System. That's the Start of a New Human to Human Way to Do Payments." - Gilbert Verdian (CEO / Founder of Quant CBDC Technology)
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor | "What Happens On the Level of a Society When You Have Something Like the Chinese Social Credit System When Everybody Is Monitored All the Time?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor "What Will Happen If And When Efficiency and Ethics Go In Different Directions, That Totalitarianism Becomes Very Effective."