The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Rob Schneider States, "I'm Willing to Lose It. I Don't Care About My Career Anymore. I Care About My Children and The Country That they Are Going to Live In."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Dictatorships Will Be More Efficient Than Democracies." "Democracy Defeated Fascism & Communism Because Democracy Was Better At Processing Data and Making Decisions."
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained, “We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives, What You Eat, Who You Date, How Much Energy You Use...”
Your favorite dictator is up to his old tricks. Telling everyone to get j☠️bbed up so we'll have a much better Winter this year than last year. I know what I'm going to do this year not comply AGAIN!