#14 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - We DEMAND Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers Begin An Immediate Investigation Of The Information Presented At The February 23rd Election Meeting! JOIN The 1-CLICK Email All 110 Legislators & AZ Officials - Takes 2 Minutes!
#103 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: AZ Politicians Do NOTHING To Stop Child Sex Slave Trafficking! Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections, Wide Open Borders, Demonic CPS - THEY ARE AS GUILTY AS THE ABUSERS - THIS IS ON THEIR HANDS!
384: MIDTERM BOOTCAMP - Get Serious, Fear God & Win - The ONLY Strategy To Save America! On-Demand Training & Resources To Get On The Battlefield. SIGN UP TODAY...America Needs YOU!
#78 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: TAKING BACK ARIZONA. . . By We The People WITH The Constitutions & A Remonstrance - Daniel Wood & Lezley Shepherd! SIGN The Notice & JOIN US On The Battlefield!