5 years agoPush for the Lord, Power Hours endurance Study Book of John ch1-ch15Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoUnity Event for #Elul - #UnityInspiresProjects, #BreslovTorah & #MenachemHerman with #EliezerKosoy!EliGoldsmith
2 years agoRe'eh ch 11 : 26-32 "For those who know my name" #saymyname #edit #remix #mariespeaksgodsgraceMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoPart 2 Memorial Park El Paso TX Save Our Children Save the Children Aug 29 2020Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years ago20200215 A day at the El Paso Library, Why We need to be active!!!Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoMemorial Park El Paso TX Save Our Children Save the Children Aug 29 2020 Part1Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoVision The Punisher coming soon to a state and local corrupt government leaders near you..... & me?!Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoMatthew 18:6 KJV: Protesting drag queen story hour, El Paso Downtown LibraryMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years ago#UnityEvent - Lshana Haba BYerushalyim - #UnityMusic by Menachem Herman & #EliezerKosoy!EliGoldsmith
5 years agoLocal & States election winners, Parents of Prophets, Fields of Bones w/b foundMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoUnity Event for #Elul by Eli Goldsmith #BreslovTorah & #MenachemHerman with #EliezerKosoy!EliGoldsmith
5 years agoUnity Music for #Elul - #UnityInspiresProjects, #BreslovTorah & #MenachemHerman with #EliezerKosoy!EliGoldsmith