1. The Definitive Guide to What the Galaxy was like BEFORE The Old Republic

    The Definitive Guide to What the Galaxy was like BEFORE The Old Republic

  2. Why Being a Senator was Much more DANGEROUS Than Casual Star Wars Fans Think

    Why Being a Senator was Much more DANGEROUS Than Casual Star Wars Fans Think

  3. How the Old Republic's BIGGEST TRAITOR Was Stopped by its Most Loyal Soldier

    How the Old Republic's BIGGEST TRAITOR Was Stopped by its Most Loyal Soldier

  4. How this Jedi DEFEATED Darth Revan Against All Odds and then WIFED Him

    How this Jedi DEFEATED Darth Revan Against All Odds and then WIFED Him

  5. Why this Midget Bounty Hunter was Objectively the Most Ruthless in Galactic History

    Why this Midget Bounty Hunter was Objectively the Most Ruthless in Galactic History

  6. Why this Jedi was the Most EVIL in the Order's History - The Fall of Atris

    Why this Jedi was the Most EVIL in the Order's History - The Fall of Atris

  7. Why the Mon Cala and the Quarren Absolutely Hated Each Other

    Why the Mon Cala and the Quarren Absolutely Hated Each Other

  8. How Darth Nihilus's Blind Apprentice Turned on her Master & Helped Save the Galaxy

    How Darth Nihilus's Blind Apprentice Turned on her Master & Helped Save the Galaxy

  9. How Aayla Secura came SO CLOSE to Falling to the Dark Side [And What Stopped Her]

    How Aayla Secura came SO CLOSE to Falling to the Dark Side [And What Stopped Her]

  10. The Dark Secrets & True Despair of the Separatist Droid Factory Worlds

    The Dark Secrets & True Despair of the Separatist Droid Factory Worlds

  11. The Definitive Guide to ALL Lightsaber Combat Techniques Used in the Star Wars Universe

    The Definitive Guide to ALL Lightsaber Combat Techniques Used in the Star Wars Universe

  12. Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle of Felucia

    Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle of Felucia

  13. Why Order 66 Was TAME in Comparison to Old Republic Sith Threats

    Why Order 66 Was TAME in Comparison to Old Republic Sith Threats

  14. Did the Jedi REALLY Commit Genocide on the Original Sith? - Why the Jedi did (Mostly) Nothing Wrong

    Did the Jedi REALLY Commit Genocide on the Original Sith? - Why the Jedi did (Mostly) Nothing Wrong

  15. The Definitive Guide to the B'omarr Order & Why they Kept Their Brains in Jars

    The Definitive Guide to the B'omarr Order & Why they Kept Their Brains in Jars

  16. Why the OVERSHADOWED Darth Malak was just as Powerful as Revan

    Why the OVERSHADOWED Darth Malak was just as Powerful as Revan

  17. The Deeply Disturbing Truths Behind Hutt Space's "Coruscant" - Why Living there was so Torturous

    The Deeply Disturbing Truths Behind Hutt Space's "Coruscant" - Why Living there was so Torturous

  18. The Surprising Tactics Behind Why Modern Jedi DIDN'T Turn off their Lightsabers During Combat

    The Surprising Tactics Behind Why Modern Jedi DIDN'T Turn off their Lightsabers During Combat

  19. The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 1]

    The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 1]

  20. The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 3]

    The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 3]

  21. How ONE JEDI Handed the Sith Empire its Most EMBARRASSING Defeat

    How ONE JEDI Handed the Sith Empire its Most EMBARRASSING Defeat

  22. Why Droid Slavery is So Much More Depressing Than What it Looks Like - The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep

    Why Droid Slavery is So Much More Depressing Than What it Looks Like - The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep

  23. Why the Imperial Senate was a BREEDING Ground for Rebel Leadership

    Why the Imperial Senate was a BREEDING Ground for Rebel Leadership

  24. The Daily Routine of a Jedi Youngling - How Did the Order Treat Them?

    The Daily Routine of a Jedi Youngling - How Did the Order Treat Them?

  25. The Disturbing Truth Behind Palpatine's FASCINATION with Zillo Beasts

    The Disturbing Truth Behind Palpatine's FASCINATION with Zillo Beasts
