2 years ago#CORTE Cuidado dos pais com desenhos #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorocha #disneyRIKO ROCHA
2 years ago#CORTE Netflix desenho novo #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorocha #netflixRIKO ROCHA
2 years ago#CORTE O progressismo avança no mundo #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorocha #progressismoRIKO ROCHA
2 years agoThe Shallow Understanding of Complex Things, Part 2Cospolon is a broad-minded and ultra-curious community eager to delve into any domain.
2 years agoA Shallow Understanding of Complex Things PtCospolon is a broad-minded and ultra-curious community eager to delve into any domain.
2 years agoThe Shallow Understanding of Complex Things Pt.3Cospolon is a broad-minded and ultra-curious community eager to delve into any domain.
2 years agoA Shallow Understanding of Complex Things Pt.3Cospolon is a broad-minded and ultra-curious community eager to delve into any domain.
2 years ago#CORTE Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorocha #lgbtRIKO ROCHA
2 years ago#CORTE Importância do capelão nos hospitais #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorochaRIKO ROCHA
2 years ago#CORTE É preciso se posicionar #shorts #deus #jesus #igreja #cristão #rikorocha #lgbtRIKO ROCHA