#233 Abe Hamadeh WON The AG Race In Arizona Nov 8th 2022 - NEVER SEEN BEFORE EVIDENCE, EXPOSING The REAL Fraud & Corrupt Election System Operation + The ONLY Way To WIN In 2024 & It's NOT #VoteHarder!
434: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/9 - The Day After The Masacre Of YOUR Sacred Right To VOTE For YOUR Representatives! MICHELE SWINICK & BRANNON HOWSE
#220 False Teachings / Teachers, Sacrificing Our Children, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Adrenochrome, Child Sex Slave Trafficking...Demons Torture Children Because They Hate Jesus | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
425: ARIZONA UPDATE - More Fraud Revealed & Why This "Selection" Affects EVERYONE In The Country - MICHELE SWINICK, JOE OLTMANN, APOLLO - Conservative Daily Podcast