Julie Green | BRICS, the Looming Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, Banking Giants And New York Fed Start 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot + Trump / DeSantis and Trump's Big Announcement!!!
The Great Reset versus The Great ReAwakening | Attorney Thomas Renz | How We Are Going to Expose the Fraud of Dr. Fauci & How to Win in the Court of Law and Court of Public Opinion
Tether | Is Tether a Scam? Is Tether Essentially a Privately-run Money Printer, Money for Nothing and About to Explode? Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort: "Tether Is a Scam"
Pandemic Simulation | The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates Just Conducted Another Pandemic Simulation — This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Dreams About a World without Hierarchy, without Injustice, without Poverty, a world with COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LAWS. We Will Rebuild the TEMPLE and Create a New Perfect Utopian Society?"